
Old man and the sea.



Same picture, different camera settings.

Alleycat:"This is ma chicken, foo."



Cat stretches before track meet.





Chill out.


Reaction to Bus crashing into signpost.


Ahhh, the park and roses.







Yeah, break-falls...



New Aikido training place - outside. Joy.

Pigeon Gossip:"Look at that Shirley, what a show-off. Ya know, I hear she just goes to a tanning salon."

Seedy bar - permission to look for Sancho Panza: denied.


Yeah, the tortilla chips were about the best thing they had...



You've got spunk. I like spunk.

Oh-ho - take this auto-light balance digital camera inhibitor.


Statue has been attempting to pick up that vase of flowers for the past 15 years.

Blue sky - check. Parking violation - check.

Pigeons in the Mist #5: "You lookin' at ma woman?"

Now, what shouldn't be in this picture.

Ahhh, the glory of Rome.

Clever drunken bottles pass out on benches. Tree looks on with disapproval and general loathing. Bottle disregards his opinion, as he would any mere stick in the mud.


All that's left of one 1893 party-goer, the first human-sized duck costume, and a cooper's pride.


Wall surrounding Cathedral.

Cameraman notices odd shadow in foreground 4.7 seconds before he becomes a prehistoric value meal.


Tree on left - planted in the seventies, will not conform/sell out to "the man" by changing his hairstyle.

I'd take this over the Pisa any day.

I took this picture after this girl, Alice, gave me something wierd to drink.

I really liked this picture but couldn't capture it with the limited settings on my digital camera. The cathedral is just one of many towers pointing to heaven.

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