First Timer Reader's Guide
Here is a short summary of the trip to Croatia and the author of this blog.
As per the comment I wrote on that article, I greatly encourage and ask you to sign all comments with your name and email address. I suggest that whenever you post an email address to the web, you do so in some way similar to this: FIRST_PART[add_this_to_stop_spam_bots_but_remove_to_contact]@DOMAIN.whatever).
Every time I see that someone has placed any kind of comment on my blog, I become happy, because it means that someone thought about what I wrote and makes me think. I believe that thinking is, in a general sense and in almost all situations, a good thing. Accordingly, I hope you enjoy making others happy and will act on that impulse.
Due to my short-sitedness and sore clicking finger, I forgot the following summary of how to browse my blog as it currently is.
Earliest pictures are in the archives, which you can access by clicking the links on the left side of the screen in the sidebar of this website. Once you click on the earliest date range, scroll all the way to the bottom, resisting the urge to stop on your way down, and go from the bottom up. In that way you will experience the pictures in the order I took them. Date and time of posts, especially of pictures, are not necessarily at all approximate or related to their date and time of creation.
Feel free to add comments and thoughts targeted at people reading this site for the first time. Also, if you have any questions, place a comment here and I will attempt to answer them.